TravelBooker is an online platform, created for the purposes of offering the best services in incoming – cultural and city-break – tourism. Our services offer will help foreign tourists to choose a tourism program of their interest and make them enjoy their stay in Serbia and the Balkans.
As a group of experienced licensed tour guides having ties with a lot of specialized agencies, TravelBooker offers a series of accommodation, airline ticketing, rent-a-car, catering and guiding services – enabling to create and develop a travel arrangement to foreign tourists, providing top quality, fun and excellent companionship for individual or group travels.
Our online platform may also provide hosting services in several languages that will propose tourist services to all those foreigners who are seeking highly skilled medical and healthcare services in Belgrade and the wider region through our main partner in this ever-growing field.
we can help if you need…
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Hi! Welcome to our site. My name is Branislav, I am the travel destination manager at TRAVEL BOOKER, proud partner of MEDICBOOKER.
My task is to inform you of our availability to welcome you to Belgrade for a bit of tourism, too. We invite you to click our site. That way you may find out about the tourist programs and tours we have prepared to eventually spice-up your stay here among us.
Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by a licensed tour guide that will be your personal host during your stay.
Speaking your language, he or she will take good care of you, plus introduce to you the TRAVEL BOOKER tourist programs.
Personally, I would be very happy to be your host, as well as to guide you, hoping my decades-long experience in tourism will give its share to make your sojourn here a source of future pleasant memories.
Здравствуйте! Добро пожаловать на наш сайт. Меня зовут Бранислав, являюсь менаджером туристической дестинации в ТРАВЕЛБУКЕРЕ.
Моя задача проинформировать вас о нашем добром пожалованию в Белграде с немножко туризма, тоже. Мы приглашаем вас кликнуть на наш сайт.
Таким образом в сможете узнать про наши программы и туры которых мы подготовили чтобы эвентуально заправить ваше пребывание среди нас.
По приезду вас будет приветствовать лицензированный гид который будет вашим личным хозяином во время вашего пребывания. Говоря на вашем языке, он или она хорошо позаботятся о вас, а также введут вас в программы ТРАВЕЛБУКЕР.
Лично, был бы очень рад стать вашим хозяином, а также и гидом, надеясь что опыт десятков лет работы в туризме посодействует тому, чтобы ваше пребывание здесь стало источником будущих приятных воспоминаний.
Salve! Benvenuti sul nostro sito. Il mio nome é Branislav e sono manager delle destinazioni turistiche della TRAVELBOOKER.
Il mio compito consiste nell’informarvi sulla disponibilitá di porgere il benvenuto a Belgrado anche per un pó di turismo. Vi invitiamo a entrare sul nostro sito. In questa maniera potrete saperne di piú sui programmi turistici e le gite che abbiamo preparato per condire il vostro soggiorno qui fra noi.
Dopo l’arrivo, una guida turistica licenziata vi porrá il benvenuto e sará vostro assistente personale durante la vostra permanenza. Parlando la vostra lingua, lui o lei baderá bene a voi, ed in piú vi fará conoscere i programmi turistici della TRAVELBOOKER.
A titolo personale, saró molto felice di essere vostro assistente, ma anche a farvi da guida, sperando che la mia esperienza di piú decenni possa contribuire a fare del vostro soggiorno fra noi una risorsa di liete memorie.
Buna! Bine ați venit pe situl nostru. Numele meu este Branislav, eu sunt manager-ul destinațiilor turistice la TRAVELBOOKER.
Sarcina mea este de a va informa despre dorința noastra sa va intâmpinam la Belgrad si cu puțin turism. Va invitam sa intrați pe situl nostru. Astfel veți putea afla despre programele turistice si tururi pe care vi-le am pregatit pentru a eventual adauga un condiment sejurului dumneavoastra printre noi.
Dupa sosirea dumneavostra veți fi intâmpinați de un ghid turistic cu licența in funcție de asistent personal in timpul sejurului vostru. Vorbind limba voastra, el sau ea va avea buna grija de voi, in plus o sa va face cunoştința cu programele TRAVELBOOKER.
Personal aș fi foarte fericit sa va fiu asistent, precum și sa va ghidez, cu speranța ca experiența mea de câteva decenii in domeniul turismului va fi de folos și o sâ facâ din sejurul vostru o sursâ de viitoare amintiri placute.